Monday, 1 February 2016

Midnight Demons

Late night thoughts are the scariest! 
The way your mind wonders and dives into your deepest darkest fear is horrifying.
It eats you,consumes you, claws at you.
Makes you want to cry and laugh at the same time.
Or just pull your hair out.
You start asking all these questions which shake your being.
Where are you heading in life? What are you doing? What does the future hold? Will you just be alone all your life ? Or stuck in this same old rut?
Sooo many freaking questions with no answers.
Driving you insane.
You want to just shut down and sleep but the ramblings and the tug of war in your mind just keeps on getting louder and stronger making it impossible to close your eyes.
Sometimes your own mind becomes your worse enemy.
Making you wish to be numb with no feelings and emotions.
Somedays the night you love becomes the night you abhor.



  1. true and well written.. I loved it. :)

  2. 😍 again in love with the way you write

    1. Yay!! Thank you sooo much Shubhangi!! :D Means a lot! :)
