Sunday, 20 September 2015

A fine line :)

Recently there has been a thought lingering my mind..
So many emotions felt by us.
But out of all,why is it the brightest spotlight has been on love..
Pages and pages filled with sonnets...
Thousands of novels all over..
Lyrics filled with love notes ..
The fascination towards it is unnerving 
Because it just proves most of our other emotions revolve around this one emotion..
That is "LOVE"
Our happiness, sadness,anger,frustration all somehow comes down to love..
It need not be romantic love. As we all know there are various shapes and forms of this emotion..
It's scary how just one emotion have such huge impact on everything and everyone in our lives..
How easily it can make or destroy something..
How at times it's the reason for self-growth and then at other the reason for self-destruction..
People throw around the word love lightly not realising that it is such a powerful emotion.
Maybe more than Hate because there is no hate without love..
It is rightly said there is fine line between 'Love' and 'Hate'.
Hey everyone! 
This is some of my mingling thoughts.Just thinking about love it struck me how overwhelmingly powerful it is and has had an impact on me in soo many ways! Made me do some crazy stuff !! Some smart and sensible things too :) Don't you think that it does have the power?
And I feel Hate holds quite a lot of a power in itself, but that is something we should avoid giving into.
So on that note I would like to say Love you all ! :)
Tamanna :)


  1. Bang on! Rightly said and beautifully put together. :)

  2. Nicely done.. The image is epic 👌

  3. Never thought about love this've explained it so wonderfully.. :)..And that image is awesome too. :)

    1. Thank you sooo much Tripti :) Glad you liked it :D
