Thursday, 26 November 2015

The sour that might taste like sweet

Tree of Life
Recently when I was having a conversation with a friend, the topic of hospitals sprang up. And it dawned upon me that the immediate response to it is, "Oh, I hate them." or "They are soo depressing." And they are all right, it truly gets depressing there. The death, the illness and the sadness that prevails in the hospitals gets to us. It rarely seems like a happy place. Sometimes the only time anyone feels happy there is when they get to know they are soon getting out of there.

 But like everything in this world there are two sides to the coin. Along all the death, suffering and illness hand in hand also hope and glimpses of happiness exist.It is the place where two people experience the first joys of parenthood. A place where a child is soo happy seeing his grandparents getting all well. Teaching them to fight through tough times. Or even the relief and happiness that rushes through a doctor after saving a life. That feeling is indescribable.

 I still remember the day my brother was born. Going to meet him in the hospital was a different feeling altogether. The tiny human in front of me made me soo happy.. holding those tiny hands! It was another level of happiness.

But keeping the good and bad aside, it also enlightens us to the smaller things in life, the basic importance of life as well because hospitals make us come face to face with the reality of life.  How we all being so busy in our daily life and cribbing about everything we forget the amazing gift we have.
   The gift of  'good health and life.'

We are so ignorant towards it, taking it all for granted that we don't care for our health on many occasions. Neglecting it and later regretting it. Letting small things turn into disasters due to that.
  We need to realise that this is IT. This is the only life we have. So we better start taking care of it dearly and realise how life isn't permanent.


Thursday, 12 November 2015


Some people come in your life
And they end up inspiring you.
You inspired those words that I pen down.
The thoughts that mingle my mind.


I don't know how true it is for everyone but I feel everyone has that one person who inspires them in life ,who leads them to do things differently. They may inspire how you live your life or your writing or your art. :) That muse in our lives! :)

Share it with people who inspire you and let them know :)


Monday, 2 November 2015

Fading Friendships

You know something?
I'm sure you don't,
I had fallen in love with our friendship.
It was divine,
Everything and more.
Those endless pools of talks,
Sharing our fears and love,
Those caring moments,
I fell in love with our friendship,
Which was beyond any relationship,
Beyond words,beyond explanation.
Something soo beautiful,
That it left an imprint in my heart. 


My last post being on how friendships are soo important in our lives , how they effect our happiness in soo many ways. Well here is the sad but true part of friendships. The part where these things fade away where over the time we lose friends and in process sometimes lose bits and pieces of us here and there. Growing up has had these downsides to it. We change, we grow apart and we move on. But we can never truly forget all of those friendships once we had :)



Monday, 26 October 2015

Never Let Go

Friendships are the most unexpected pleasantries in life. 
You never know when such friendships blossom.
These unexpected pleasantries are the reason behind the happiness we experience
Soo never let go of them.
Even when time and distance tests it's strength..

A little something for everyone. Something to dedicate to all my friends ! They are the extended family in our lives. A part of us which we will always cherish.. Come what may, the troubles, the misunderstandings we shouldn't loose these gems from our lives and hold on to them tight.. 
Share around with all your friends. Share the love! :)


Thursday, 8 October 2015


The fact that people consider some people heartless.. Breaks me.
Being strong and not showing weakness doesn't mean you are heartless.
In the end they are human beings too,
With feelings which get hurt,
A heart which gets attached,
A soul which yearns another soul.
I wish people understood that.
That every time you call someone heartless it breaks it into a million pieces.
As they suffer like any other man with the loss of love.
Yearn like any other person for companionship.
Why trying to be strong is such a sin?
Why vulnerable and weak are only considered to feel?
It's a mislead thought I wish all could change.
Because they too are crying silent tears in their heart for things they lost and things they desire.


I don't think there is anything else to say on it.. so I will leave you to your thoughts :)
And I would love to know them :)


Sunday, 27 September 2015

Secret to life

Oh, how beautiful is this life!
We forget it time and again..
In a world full of opinions and righteousness it's lost somewhere.
The beauty of it gets buried under all the other things.
Instead of pursuing a life of things we love.
We hinder those who have the courage to do what they love..
Experiencing life should be our motto..
Not obstructing someone else's experience.
So make a motto out of these words.
Live and let live is what we learn


Don't we all sometimes just wish that the world would stop scrutinising your life and just let you live. To let you explore and make mistakes and not dictate to you what is right or wrong and let you find your own right and wrong.. This is from all those to who felt this way telling the world to let them be :)


Sunday, 20 September 2015

A fine line :)

Recently there has been a thought lingering my mind..
So many emotions felt by us.
But out of all,why is it the brightest spotlight has been on love..
Pages and pages filled with sonnets...
Thousands of novels all over..
Lyrics filled with love notes ..
The fascination towards it is unnerving 
Because it just proves most of our other emotions revolve around this one emotion..
That is "LOVE"
Our happiness, sadness,anger,frustration all somehow comes down to love..
It need not be romantic love. As we all know there are various shapes and forms of this emotion..
It's scary how just one emotion have such huge impact on everything and everyone in our lives..
How easily it can make or destroy something..
How at times it's the reason for self-growth and then at other the reason for self-destruction..
People throw around the word love lightly not realising that it is such a powerful emotion.
Maybe more than Hate because there is no hate without love..
It is rightly said there is fine line between 'Love' and 'Hate'.
Hey everyone! 
This is some of my mingling thoughts.Just thinking about love it struck me how overwhelmingly powerful it is and has had an impact on me in soo many ways! Made me do some crazy stuff !! Some smart and sensible things too :) Don't you think that it does have the power?
And I feel Hate holds quite a lot of a power in itself, but that is something we should avoid giving into.
So on that note I would like to say Love you all ! :)
Tamanna :)

Saturday, 12 September 2015

My Saviour

Reading is my solace.
My safe place.
A place where I am the ghost, the spectator.
In the world where only feelings and worries of characters are felt..
None of your own.
A sweet escape from reality! :)


Hey everyone! I know I have been gone for far too long! And I'm sorry about that really :) I don't want to give excuses but I do plan on slowly improving my updates and I hope to keep on having you all to read!
This is just a small post but means the world to me.. because every word of it is true.. Books make me forget everything around and just be lost for sometime.. when there is no escape in real life.. the best escape would be in the pages of a book :)
On that note I bid adieu for now ! :)

Tamanna :)

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

And the journey begins.. Day 1 :)

6 hours of flight from Mumbai to my dream location. Watching the countless clouds, beautiful  hues of blue and orange and the play of light along. With a lot of excitement to reach there soon so that I could start exploring!!
So sometime after dawn we finally landed at Singapore! 

On Air Experience ;)

Our first day's exploring started late afternoon. And with a perfect location that too! After a tiring travel a place to rejuvenate our minds. And that would be 'Gardens by the Bay'.
Most apt way to describe it would be innovative and a masterpiece on it's  own!
No wonder this garden is ranked amongst the top 10 indoor gardens in the world!
Plants from almost all over the world!! Just imagine! Beautiful  isn't  it? The imagination  is so beautiful.. the reality is better!
The green houses are so intricately designed to sustain all those different plants from various climates.
As an architecture  student I  loved the way it's been designed.
There are three main parts in the Garden:
The Cloud Forest
The Flower dome
Sky walk at the Super trees
And I  fell in love with all of them!
This place is a haven for all nature lovers! :)

* In a veil of mist a tall mountain stands in this spectacular Cloud Forest. Covered with luscious greens all over with cooling air all around you.. And a continuous melody of falling water in the background.. Dreamy, isn't it? This is exactly how you feel when you step into this dreamworld.
The Breathtaking Cloud Forest!
* One word in mind when I entered the Flower Dome i.e Awestruck! Flowers flowers everywhere! A brilliant blanket of colours in front of your eyes.. A fairytale in itself among all these beauties.. Won't it be a fairytale location for a proposal ? I would say it would be perfect!
Colourful Flower dome!
* And last but not the least.. The Sky walk at the supertrees! The most beautiful panaromic view of  the city! <3 Words are not always enough to describe a place with such beauty! And a picture speaks a thousand words .. So this time I would let the pictures do the talking ;) :) You could spend hours looking at this view and won't be any less awed! 

Sky walk at Supertrees!
Hence my day tour in the 'Spectacular garden' comes to an end. With the eagerness of seeing what else is in store for me in this city of Singapore :) 

Tamanna :) 

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

A wall...

We all have a facade.
A wall between us and the world.
Some many and some few.
A wall of protection.
Protection from what you might ask.
Protection from hurt, betrayal , being judged and many more things.
We are all afraid. That's why we all have a facade , we all have a wall..
We are afraid of being judged, afraid of being forgotten, afraid of losing people..
We are afraid beings trying to put up a strong front.
Insecurities are something we always have been familiar with, isn't it?
It starts with small things leading to the big things..
Insecurity of never being good enough, of loving someone sooo much but not be loved back, of those heartbreak, of being a disappointment and a failure..
We are filled with soo many insecurities..
But we are experts at hiding it..
Because the biggest thing we are insecure of and afraid of is revealing our true selves to someone..Bearing our soul to that person..
Of letting someone see our dark parts..
As we fear of not being accepted .
So we do what we do best.
Build a wall.. Make a facade and hide in those walls and put on a facade..


This is something I  feel everyone can relate to at some point or other! My personal experience  as well makes me feel this.. Because at times I  am soo scared that I  won't  be accepted I  build a wall! But we still find a few people with whom we don't  need to put up that wall.. I hope everyone  finds such people in their lives :)  

Tamanna :) 

Monday, 4 May 2015

This desire to explore

Hey guys!

So as I had shared with you'll in my first post that I'm a wanderluster.. I love travelling!! All the quotes which describe the love of being in different places.. meeting new people.. exploring, all would definitely apply to me :) . I have a bucketlist too of places I eagerly want to visit :D It's righly said that Travel changes you .. Every place you visit leaves a mark on you . A part of that place will always be in your heart <3. 
Through this platform I want to actually share my passion of travelling!! I would be sharing my thoughts on the places I visited especially the highlights and the must visits in those locations :D And some tips along ;)
My Mantra ;)
I would be starting off this section with my Singapore trip which would be starting from tomorrow! :D I am really very excited as this would be my first cross border trip :) There is soo much to see and explore when you are in a totally different country! And being an Architecture student makes it all the more interesting.. 
And to be honest I'm equally excited to visit all the locations in the itinerary.. Can't pick just one place I'm most excited to visit ^_^
I would be sharing my experiences here of my most awaited journey :) 

Hope you like it :) 

Describes me! :D

Thursday, 30 April 2015


What is happiness? I wonder , I ponder.
No definite answer yet.
Is there anything as pure happiness?
No sorrows in the back just pure unadulterated happiness.
To feel complete , content, joyous.
Or there is just bits and pieces of this Happiness around us. With a constant of sorrows and troubles. 
Is it the Ray of sunshine which appears now and again to make us forget all bad. Just a glimpse at perfection. An illusion. A Mirage.
I wonder , I ponder.
No definite answer yet.

Hey friends! :)
So, I hope you liked this new post :)
It's something I always wonder.. At times I feel I have an answer to it and then it just doesn't fit leaving me with no definite answer ..
What do you all think? What is happiness for you ? I would love to know your thoughts :)

Tamanna :)

Monday, 20 April 2015

Silver Lining in Love...

I don't know what love is.. 
How it feels.. 
Because each time I thought it was love I was defrauded.
Love is such a fickle thing.. 
Such a tricky little beast.
It messes you up.. 
Your mind,your soul ,your thoughts,everything.
It is something which makes you feel soo alive but at the same time kills you.
It confuses you. 
It brings out our worst fears our worst demons.
But still you crave it yearn it with all your heart and soul. 
Because love is something which keeps us going. 
Which keeps us hopeful..
Maybe I don't know what love is exactly.. 
But I feel that I love you.

So here is my first post :D !! Something I wrote awhile back.. 
We all have experienced love, haven't we? In one way or the other... What I feel is we may not always have the best of experience in love but we should never give up on it . To always have trust in love :) And keep ourselves open to things and not shut because of all the bad experiences ^_^
I'm really excited for my blog! :)) And I hope all of you like it!!
And share it with your friends too!
I would love to hear your thoughts :)


Hey everyone..

I am Tamanna. And I am all ready to share and explore new things with you all.

As the name says 'How I left my footprints' ..This blog is a way of sharing things I have felt and experienced . Things that have had an impact on me. I will be writing about things I learn along the way.

And something about me.. Few words which would describe me would be Avid reader, Wanderluster, Bit artistic tendencies ..

So you can say things would be linked to these in my blog

I have a few ideas in mind for this blog hopefully I'll be able to put through all these ideas in the rightful manner :)

The ideas are .. A part where I share whatever I have written :) , Things which I have read and loved, Travel Diaries along the side and few other things :)

I hope these ideas seem interesting to you and you all would read my blog :)

It's a journey for me and I would like all of you to be a part of it

Thank you!

