Monday, 26 October 2015

Never Let Go

Friendships are the most unexpected pleasantries in life. 
You never know when such friendships blossom.
These unexpected pleasantries are the reason behind the happiness we experience
Soo never let go of them.
Even when time and distance tests it's strength..

A little something for everyone. Something to dedicate to all my friends ! They are the extended family in our lives. A part of us which we will always cherish.. Come what may, the troubles, the misunderstandings we shouldn't loose these gems from our lives and hold on to them tight.. 
Share around with all your friends. Share the love! :)


Thursday, 8 October 2015


The fact that people consider some people heartless.. Breaks me.
Being strong and not showing weakness doesn't mean you are heartless.
In the end they are human beings too,
With feelings which get hurt,
A heart which gets attached,
A soul which yearns another soul.
I wish people understood that.
That every time you call someone heartless it breaks it into a million pieces.
As they suffer like any other man with the loss of love.
Yearn like any other person for companionship.
Why trying to be strong is such a sin?
Why vulnerable and weak are only considered to feel?
It's a mislead thought I wish all could change.
Because they too are crying silent tears in their heart for things they lost and things they desire.


I don't think there is anything else to say on it.. so I will leave you to your thoughts :)
And I would love to know them :)
